Sunday, August 15, 2021

How to Make Money Only by Blogging - Blog for Ad Revenue


Blog for Ad Revenue  ( How to make money online by blogging)

Blogging has become a very popular platform for expressing opinions. It can actually be quite enjoyable. It’s also a great way to generate some extra money. Blogs tend to attract huge audiences. One of the great things about blogging is that you can choose any topic you want. The goal is to find something that you are enthusiastic about: politics, sports, religion, relationships – the opportunities are endless. You might be asking yourself how this will make money. Ad revenue is only one part of the process. You will also be using your blog to drive traffic to your main website.

There are four key components to creating a successful blog:


The more you write, the more readers you will gather. The key to balancing this with your other opportunities is to get started and then reinvest any income generated into outsourcing future content. The more the blog grows, the more money it will generate. As a result, you will be allotted more to invest in outsourcing which will compound the income.


Quantity means nothing if your posts are not compelling and well written. Strong headlines, well placed keywords, and mistake free content will convert nicely. Also, you will need to come up with subjects that compel readers. Bloggers who write boring and repetitive posts quickly lose readers. The following are the strongest aspects of a post:

- Keywords (usually between 1% and 3%)

- Tagline (should include keyword for SEO purposes)

- Title (compelling and includes keyword)

- Image (include alt-tag description with keywords for search engines)

- Write with Authority (those reading should see you as an expert)

Be Consistent

Add new content at least once a week. Every update leads to search engine crawlers scanning your blog. Each time they find more content that makes then jump for joy, you will see your blog rise in rankings. Your overall goal should be to add new content every day. You will need to outsource this so accomplishing this goal will take time. You can reach this goal with patience, which leads to the next point of emphasis.


Success isn’t going to happen overnight. In the beginning, you will not be able to add enough content to keep up with the much larger blogs. Your goal should be to generate enough money to invest in more content. Work smart.

Furthermore, grow thicker skin. Don’t let anyone discourage you. So many people tend to take constructive criticism way out of context. If you want to be successful, you will have to be able to withstand negative comments from time to time. It happens.

Getting Started

Many people start blogging only to realize that it’s not what they first thought. Again, raising one’s expectations too high will result in a sense of letdown. I won’t lie to you. Every new venture you set forth on will not just instantly start generating miraculous high amounts of income. Great opportunities take time and effort to achieve success.

With that said, blogging for ad revenue is a fun way to generate some residual income. It’s easy to get started.

Choose a Place to Blog

While your websites are basically blogs, for this specific opportunity you should pick a more popular platform for getting your posts out to a wider audience. Blogger and Tumblr tend to be the most commonly known so you should start there. However, if you feel like using another then don’t let me stop you. Just be sure that the blogging platform has authority with search engines. Chances are that if you used Google to find another platform, then it has high authority with search engines.

Choose a Niche

Find a niche for your blog. This can be anything you want. After all, you are supposed to be blogging about something you love. Think of this as a fun personal project and forget generating money when coming up with your niche.

Once you have your niche, use Google Keyword Generator to find keywords to use that fall within that niche. This time, you need not worry about competition rate as much as monthly searches. Write down all keywords related to your niche. These will all be subjects that you can blog about.

Add Content

Once you have a list of things to write about, start blogging. As with your websites, be sure to set a minimum amount  of content to add on a weekly basis. One new post a week (or even one a month) should be good if you’re just starting out. Write your posts so that they are of high quality and have a keyword density of 1-2%.

Keep in mind that most new blogs take several months to start getting traffic. If you stay consistent, then you are almost guaranteed to get viewers within a month. That number will continue to grow over time so long as you consistently add new and engaging content.

The problem that most people tend to fall into is being inconsistent when they don’t see immediate results. Don’t let this happen to you. Stay consistent.

Monetizing your Blog

If you want to gain the most from this new blog, then there are three different strategies you will want to incorporate.

First and foremost, take the time to write your author biography. Most blogging platforms give you a place to write a bio about yourself so take advantage of this. Incorporate some keywords so that search engines can find you. In addition, list your websites on this section: your main and any that you’re flipping. You might as well take advantage of this opportunity for free promotion of your other websites. In fact, it’s safe to say that this will be your greatest asset to blogging.

The second rule only applies under certain circumstances. Place Google Adsense to fill in blank areas of your posts. You will need to judge this for yourself. Never leave areas of your blog blank. The only flaw to this strategy is that some blogs do not let you do this. That’s why I would recommend Blogger for beginners. Adsense makes it extremely easy to monetize a blog.

Finally, once you start getting a substantial amount of traffic to your blog, you can search for other advertisers to buy space in your blog. Judge how much space you have and how much you feel it’s worth. Don’t be impatient and do this prematurely. Doing so will cause you to get low rewards for your efforts. Remember, your blog is going to generate revenue through traffic to your websites and Adsense (if applicable). There’s no reason to rush this.

Back Links

Links leading back to your blog have a significant impact on search engine rankings. Here are two things you need to do right out of the gate.

1. Add links from your websites. The more they grow in popularity, the more powerful these links will make your blog.

2. Link your blog to social media like Facebook and Twitter. Do this in a way that posts to these platforms every time you add a post. These are free and powerful backlinks.

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